06 1308 0949 info@nextmyle.nl

Culture Research & Advice

More clarity about the corporate culture and how it affects changes, or the functioning of your organisation can make the organisation more successful and the employees more inspired and motivated.
It provides clarity about the successes and points of attention within the company.

Advice Change Processes

We are constantly confronted with change and innovation. In our business and private lives.
Both big and small. That keeps us healthy, sharp and prepared for the future.

Change Management Support

From strategic sparring partner, setting up policy or strategy, to the practical implementation of an issue. Every question is unique and requires a suitable approach.


Change, help! 

It is logical that changes are needed in an organisation. Especially if you want to stay healthy and/or grow as an organisation. But why is it often so difficult? How wonderful it would be if employees embraced challenges, as it were. That they see them as opportunities and that everyone contributes to them. Instead of thinking in problems, think in solutions.

You have already initiated several change processes, but often without the desired result. You are therefore not looking forward to the next change.

But do you know it can be different?

By really understand why people do what they do in your organisation, why things go the way they do, you can make a difference. This insight in your organisation gives you clarity, which makes changes a lot easier, more successful, and even more fun.

In practice

Together we get to work. Not only with you as a client, but also with your employees.

Through an objective view and the focus on the individual, but also by using group wisdom, I connect people and organisation. I empower, I enthuse and inspire. This creates support, movement and ultimately change. From the organisation and from the employee.

Your next step

NEXTmyle stands for taking the next step, a step forward, stimulating growth. Growth of the company and of its individual employees. One reinforces the other. And what is your next step now? Contact me! So that together we ensure that that step towards change is actually taken.

Curious or in need of brainstorming?

Your NEXTmove: send a message to info@nextmyle.nl
or call +31 (0)6 1308 0949