06 1308 0949 info@nextmyle.nl

Advice Change Processes

Change is a given but why so difficult?

Do you notice that your change is not getting off the ground? You pull and drag, but nothing happens. You had formulated the change very clearly, in a nice presentation. Questions have also been answered extensively and even forwarded. Then there are the team leaders to take care of things. You keep repeating how important the change is. In the beginning things went in the right direction. There was enthusiasm, but gradually the fire seems to be extinguished. Recognizable?

We are constantly confronted with change and innovation. Both business and private. Both big and small. This keeps us healthy, sharp, and prepared for the future. But changes are not always embraced by everyone, not even in organisations.

Sustainable change requires more

People, including your employees, want to change but not be changed. Changes affect your employees. And thus, at the heart of the organisation, the corporate culture. Which way is the organisation going? What decisions will they make? Your employees become insecure or worse, they leave. It is therefore important to create or maintain a sense of belonging.

New rules are often made quickly, and people generally adapt to a new circumstance if they are asked to do so. But sustainable change requires more. This requires time, attention, and clear communication, tailored to your corporate culture.

Can you picture it?

Wouldn't it be a relief if you knew how to create support and enthusiasm? That your team leaders and your employees embrace the change? How everyone takes small steps in the right direction? On the way to what you want to achieve? And so, you are no longer alone. That that change will really work? And the result speaks for itself?

Time for the ‘other change’

As a consultant, I provide tailor-made advice that will help you in the change process of your organisation. I show the pain points that stand in the way of change. I advise you on how to walk the road to results together with your employees. What is needed, how to measure change along the way and how to set up the communication. And all that aligned with your corporate culture. Conditions for a sustainable and successful change. After all, every situation, every organisation and every individual is unique.


Where in your business is the blind spot that blocks sustainable change?

Curious or in need of brainstorming?

Your NEXTmove: send a message to info@nextmyle.nl or call +31 (0)6 1308 0949