06 1308 0949 info@nextmyle.nl


Many assignments require specialist expertise

By working with various suppliers and customers from many different market segments, I have a broad, (inter) national network of specialists.

In addition, I surrounded myself with experts in the field of cultural anthropology, change management, coaching and communication. As a result, larger or more complex projects, where the use of various specialisms and/or change managers is desired or necessary, do not pose any problem. NEXTmyle is therefore a solid discussion partner and performer of various assignments.

De Veranderbank

As co-founder of De Veranderbank, I organise an annual event for participants of the Anthropological Team Guidance course. The aim of the alumni event is to inspire, share best practices and experiences, discover new methods and network.

Curious or in need of brainstorming?

Your NEXTmove: send a message to info@nextmyle.nl or call +31 (0)6 1308 0949