06 1308 0949 info@nextmyle.nl

About NEXTmyle

Who & what is NEXTmyle?

NEXTmyle is a consultancy firm specialised in change processes by means of interim (project) management with culture research as an instrument for the best result. NEXTmyle is Yolanda Logt.

Do you know that feeling?

That it is enough, that you are missing something, that something is not right and that you really want something different? That it is the right time to change course?

After studying Tourism Management, I ended up in the corporate travel world. But after more than 30 years of experience in the meetings & events industry, my own international digital network, and various roles up to the MT, it was enough. I was missing something. It was done and I really wanted something different.

Sherlock Holmes, Indiana Jones, or Jane Goodall?

My whole life has been about travelling, discovering, and researching. As a little girl I read everything about countries, history and cultures and wanted to become an archaeologist, anthropologist, or journalist. However, I also created travel guides and that is how my career in the corporate travel and event industry started. Anyone who knows me, is aware that I have an incredible passion for traveling, other cultures and people in particular.

It will not be a surprise, that I like to travel privately and that these are not so much lazy holidays, but more 'discovery trips' all over the globe. I even completed a ranger course in the South African bush. Far from my

comfort zone. Sleeping under the stars, with my feet literally in the African clay, learning to read stars, animal tracks and even faeces, driving 4WD (can I still do that?), handling a weapon, unravelling plants… it was fantastic!

This busy bee relaxes with a glass of wine, a beautiful performance, exhibition or a nice pilates lesson next to a good book. But enjoy me most somewhere on the globe with 'beautiful' people at a special spot.

A journey of discovery to an exciting destination

The common factor in my work and career considerations is the search for the story behind people, the history and how 'it' came to be. Even better if you can use what you discovered to help organisations and people take steps towards change and growth.

Thus, I went back to school to feed my curious mind again. And that became the world of Corporate Anthropology. My hunger for knowledge has now been somewhat satisfied, but because of my open mind and enthusiasm for almost everything that comes my way, I am still learning every day. From organisations and from employees in particular.

Welcome to Changeland

NEXTmyle is a fact! The next step for organisations that I help with change processes where culture observation and advice form the basis. I see an assignment as a 'journey of discovery' in which I defy challenges, create solutions and we take new paths together. And that with a drive, passion, a healthy dose of curiosity and perseverance for what I do.

I’m a person who likes to create, inspire, discover other cultures, and travel the world for unknown places. Especially if that place is your organisation!

Curious or in need of brainstorming?

Your NEXTmove: send a message to info@nextmyle.nl or call +31 (0)6 1308 0949